LSR offers unique design and production capabilities

Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) is a liquid silicone material, which is processed through an injection moulding process. Thanks to its special materials and processing properties, LSR offers unique design and production opportunities for ENBI Plastics & Silicones.
LSR has numerous uses in different industries, including health care, food, automotive, household appliances, and other sectors.
For the injection moulding of silicon, ENBI Plastics & Silicones uses machines with a closing force between 25 and 110 tons. This way we produce products made of components weighing from less than a single gram to approximately 100 grams, and which vary between < <10 Shore A to approximately 80 Shore A in hardness, using both 1K and 2K injection moulding processes.
Many businesses opt for LSR for the production of their elastomer parts. Why exactly? Mainly because of the reproducibility of the material.
Injection moulding LSR offers ease of processing, a great variety of geometric possibilities, consistent component quality, and improved productivity. Because of its unique properties, LSR is the ideal material for demanding applications:
- Gecertificeerd voor medical en food:
LSR can safely be applied in parts that come into contact with drinking water, food, or drinks. Because LSR is odorless and tasteless, it doesn’t affect food and drinks. - High Purity:
LSR is odorless and tasteless. Thanks to this high level of purity, LSR can also be used in medical components. - Oil resistant:
Because of the material’s temperature resistance, LSR can be used in situations where oil is present. This makes LSR especially suitable for the automotive sector. - Oil excreting:
Because LSR excretes oil, it is a suitable material for products or components that are used for mounting purposes. - Mechanical properties:
LSR is flexible, which means it has a high tear and tensile strength. It also has a low C.S. Value (compression set/permanent deformation). It is available in a variety of hardness, ranging from 10 to 80 Shore A. - Electrically insulating or conducting:
Due to its insulating and conducting properties, LSR can be easily applied to electric components - Ultra transparent:
LSR has an optical material grouping, which means it is ultra transparent. For this reason, it is regularly applied in lighting systems such as lens or light conductors. - Self-bonding
: Thanks to its self-bonding properties, LSR is extremely suitable for 2 component parts, both for LSR + LSR and LSR + plastic and LSR + metal.
Read more in our brochure...
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ENBI Plastics & Silicones produces custom designed,
high-quality LSR components.
From markets such as automotive and industrial
to the medical sector and household appliances.
Contact one of the specialists today.
to learn more about the possibilities of
LSR in your industry!